The list below is Alex’s first release of information from planned ET-22 series. This release contains a brief list of E.T. races, their body types and the inhabited solar systems by those ET groups.
E.T. Races | Sentient Being Body Types | Inhabited Star Systems | |
1 | Ciakar | Reptilian | Alpha Draconis smaller star solar system Thuban-(Anwar) Giansar, Grumium, Eltanin. |
2 | Vega / Lyrans | Human | Small star systems which orbit Sulafat, Albireo. |
3 | Orion | Human / Reptilian | Small star systems that orbit Alnilam; stars named: Syclopesus, Rigel, Betelgeuse. |
4 | Cygnus Alpha | Human / Aquatic / Bird | Smaller star solar systems which orbit around the Central Suns: Deneb, Sadr, Gienah, Albireo. |
5 | Arcturians | Human / Reptilian | Smaller star systems around Bootes. |
6 | Pleadians | Human | Small star solar systems which orbit Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Pleione, Alcyone. |
7 | Reticulans (Zeta) | Reptilian / Plant | Small star solar systems that orbit between that stars Achernar and Canopus. |
8 | Sirians | Human / Reptilian / Aquatic | Muliphen, Murzim (small sister star) stars between Wezen and Aludra. |
9 | Alderbaran | Human / Reptilian | Small cluster of solar systems that orbit around the star Alderbaran. |
10 | Andromeda | Human | Many star systems that orbit Almach and Mirach Central Suns. |
11 | Mizarians | Human | Large star solar systems located between Alcor and Mizor. |
12 | Mintakains | Human / Aquatic | Orion- small stars around Central Sun. |
13 | Cassiopians | Insectual / Aquatic | Caph, Ruchbah, smaller stars; 19 solar systems. |
14 | Canes Venatici | Reptilian (Benevolent) | Triple Sun system; no name. |
15 | Pictorians | Animal / Human / Yeti (Sasquatch) | Double Star System near Kapteyn’s Star. |
16 | Antarians | Human | Solar systems lie in a binary star System that orbits the star. |
17 | Sagittaria | Human / Feline | Very large star systems between Nunki, Ascella, Media, and Kaus Australis. |
18 | Nibiruan (Annunaki) | Human / Reptilian | Bootes (Tarshem). |
19 | Tau Cetians | Human | Star solar system that orbits between Menkar and Mira. |
20 | Capellians | Reptilian (Neutral Now) | Three star solar systems held by gravity of the Central Star Capella. |
21 | Procyons | Human | Single and binary star solar Systems- rich in mineral Deposits. |
22 | Hyades | Human | Binary star solar system near Alderbaran. |